A sensational Empire
I consider myself a bit of a connoisseur of the Empire Biscuit 😊
Imagine my delight when I stumble across a stall at a local Farmers' Market whose baked delights included Empire biscuits of a size I have never seen. Size doesn't matter -- right? But the thought of more shortbread, more jam in the middle, and more icing on the top, not to mention the sweet treat crowning it, excited my inner child.
I set myself a challenge in self-control -- I would not eat it on the day of purchase, but wait until the following day.
That day has arrive.

I can confirm that this vast disc (12cm/5 inches across) was a sensation.
I am glad(!) that I only purchased one. A second sugar bomb would have been very decadent.
According to the Wikipedia page the biscuit has a number of names across the globe. It claims that here in Scotland we refer to it as the Belgian biscuit. In my 54 years-young life I have always known it as Empire so no idea who wrote that!
In the interests of global reach it can be known as Empire Cookie, Imperial biscuit; double biscuit, German biscuit, Linzer biscuit, Deutsch biscuit, Belgian biscuit, biscuit bun.
Do you like them? What do you call them? Comments