Forking Mad
July 18th, 2024

Admiration from afar.


Blogging Challenge Day #4: What woman in your family do you most admire and why?

This one made me think.  I also wanted to keep it quite generic as I value people's privacy.

I'd say my response would be: I admire the women in my family who have children. It might seem a sweeping statement but, in my experience, it's the women who take on the vast majority of the child's needs.  Yes, we are all modern men, and take our fair share on the family duties, but the female type lady people are the ones who actually pop the cherub out and naturally take on a larger role.

Me, personally, I have no children.  I figured there are enough people in the world bringing up little people -- no need to add to the menagerie.  I'm also not particularly child friendly. Which can be a challenge, as they seem to gravitate towards me.  It's similar to a cat.  A cat always seeks out the person in the room who dislikes them -- it's a sixth sense.  I don't necessarily dislike them (children), but I can't begin to cope with one that's not able to toilet on its own, or explain what it needs.  Once they are a few years on the planet I can interact with well-behaved ones.

Back to the topic.... I am aghast at the effort required in bringing up little ones.  At every stage of their early life there seems so much to do.  I honestly do not know how people cope?  Feeding, cleaning, bedding, entertaining.... as they get older... ferrying them around to clubs and friends; schooling while you are working. 

These women deserve a medal. 🥇

So, in a  nut shell -- the ladies of my family who have chosen to continue the vintage of our genealogy are amazing and I admire (from afar) their never-ending energy and patience.

Comments welcome.

This is part of the FiftyIn50 Blogging challenge I have set myself.  Feel free to join in your own challenge and share on the Blog Roll.