Forking Mad
July 21st, 2024

An unpopular opinion


Do you have any unpopular opinions or dislike something that many people like?

This is my next daily FiftyIn50 blogging challenge topic!  Hold on, it's about to get controversial.

I have to be honest, I struggled with this writing prompt.  Not the content, but how honest I would need to be.  I knew what I wanted to write, but was concerned that I would offend people unnecessarily. On reflection the point of the article is to offer my thoughts.

Everyone has an opinion, and everyone is entitled to share it.

My unpopular opinion would have to be:  Why do we have to have labels for everyone?

It seems that not a month goes past but there's a new label, and people ready to be labelled, and label others.  Why?

You may be:  Gay, Straight, Lesbian, Trans, Genx, GenZ, Gen Alpha, OCD, ADHD, On the spectrum, Non Binary, identify as a whatever.

Honestly, I don't care on the label.  I genuinely care for you as a person.  I believe your personality defines you.  When I meet you, I don't focus on the label you are carrying around -- I want to know the person inside.  Will we get along?  Will we have a laugh?  If so, you are well on the way to having a good friend in me, and hopefully I will meet your expectations too.

I've lost count of, and am fearful of making mistakes regarding, the ever growing list of labels.

My early years

Let's go back to my childhood.  During my early years in school, as I learned to read and write, I struggled with some of the letters.  I was too young (five/six) to give it any thought, and there was certainly no support offered.  My teacher recognised the issue and I had one word taped to the top of my desk in school....."bed".  It was my little reminder that a 'b' started with a back (a line), and  'd' started with a drum.  Those were the two letters I transposed when I was writing.

I have no idea how long it lasted but I would say a year or two.  It never held me back and I was never labelled with dyslexia.  It left me quickly and I never looked back.  

My genuine concern is that if this was now, the establishment would be keen to diagnose me; put me in a box; make a thing of it; and who knows.

Let's be absolutely clear here...  There are genuine cases, and varying degrees of dyslexia.  People need support and I am so pleased it is there.  However, I see/here it all the time from new parents, and friends, who need to label a child's growing pains


Dipping into the even more controversial gender labels.  I absolutely don't care what you are.  If you are happy in your own skin (and I hope we all get there one day), then there should be no reason to be defined by it.

I was brought up with Male or Female as the only two labels.  In my head that definition is what trouser furniture you have. I know it's very simple!

Things have changed and society has developed.  If you are a male who wishes to wear a dress, good for you.  Go for it.  If you are a woman who needs to transition into a male gender...amazing, be happy. 

Of course, we now have many ..... and I am not clear what the word should be... so let's say genders.   I recognise them all.  I want you to be happy.  

I just don't want the world to be defined by them.

We're too keen to slap a label on it.

Be You.  Love You. Sod the rest of Us.  The toxic haters will have a sad, lonely life -- while you have become exactly what you want to be.

And finally

I appreciate all of this is a very idealistic view.  People have struggled to get us to where we are now in the world, with far more acceptance.  Yet, some are still struggling to find their happy place against a wall of negativity.  I hope they find contentment soon.

Do you have anything to say? 
