Forking Mad
July 17th, 2024

Black Rubber is the new Gold

I don't begin to know much about cars, nor do I really care.  They get me from A to B, and keep my hair dry.  That's it. 

If you ask me what car I drive I will genuinely say "a black one".  🤣

I can go a little further and say it's an electric car!  Yes, we took the plunge about 18 months ago.

One of the tyres had a slow puncture recently and we figured the tyres were probably due replaced; even although the car was brand new 18 months ago. 

I assumed these black circles lasted forever, but apparently not. The man in the tyre place informed us on Monday that we should have all four replaced.  They had to be ordered, as not all black tyres are the same.  Who knew?!!

Today was replacement day.  We have four new tyres and are almost £600 lighter ($780, 720 EUR)

There goes my wine allowance. Maybe I should keep my hair dry with an umbrella.
