Forking Mad
August 26th, 2024

Car, Train, Plane


What's the last trip you took?

Today’s blogging topic is actually quite timely.  My  most recent journey is today and I am typing this as I travel.

This morning I set off at 8am for a two hour drive. I then dropped my dog off at a friend’s, who is looking after her for a few weeks. I left the car at hers and jumped on a train for three hours to reach the airport.

Next a three hour flight to Malaga in Southern Spain, and finally a two hour drive home.

I’m very fortunate to have a home in Spain (we worked hard for that dream). I will finally be enjoying some dry weather, sunshine and heat.

Daytime temperatures currently in the early 30°C. It’s a pleasant change from Scotland, which has had a cool summer, with near constant wind and rain for weeks now.

My other half has been there for four weeks and is very exited about my arrival.

#43/50 in the FiftyIn50 blogging challenge.