Forking Mad
July 14th, 2024

Community Service

Yesterday, while visiting friends, we went for a walk along the sea-front of a charming near-by village. A tiny fishing village, once with many boats but now apparently only two active.  As we meandered along, I spotted something at the side of the road just as an older gentleman drove off.  Closer inspection revealed it was a wallet containing some cash.

Illustration of an open wallet, with some green paper money sticking out

Sadly his car was long gone.  There was a name inside the wallet, but no address, so my friend suggested we take it into the local pub as they may well know who it belonged to.

Within seconds we had located his neighbours. It was great to know that the wallet (and cash) could be safely returned.

Long live local communities.

Oh, and we did have a beer in the pub!  🍻🍺
