Forking Mad
July 15th, 2024

Day #1 Blogging Challenge


Day 1 of the FiftyIn50 blogging challenge:

A road trip you've taken that was memorable

For years my partner and I have talked about buying a property in Spain.  There always seemed to be a (trivial) reason to wait. We'd looked online for years but taken it no further.

In October 2021 the world was 18 months into Covid.  Lockdown started late March 2020.  I don't recall the exact timeline, but lockdown was lifted, then there was a partial lockdown again, and again.

During Covid, like so many, we had an opportunity to reassess our life choices.  We decided 'lets just do it'; the quest was on to find our dream property!

For me, I was still very Covid-cautious.  From March 2020 I stayed at home, working.  Even between lockdowns I mostly stayed contained in our home and garden.  My other half worked in the hospital front-line so didn't have the choices I had to live like a hermit!

Long story short, we found a property.  Other half used a break in travel restrictions to fly out to see a property over a long weekend in August 2021 (I think).  We talked by phone, decided it was ideal, so made an offer there and then and the ball started rolling in the legal process.

By October 2021 we had to go and sign paperwork.  It was a huge thing for me.  I was not keen to travel on a plane (potentially full of covid!).  Restrictions were tight at the airports but we made it.  We hired a car and drove the two hours to the village.

Bear in mind I have never actually seen this property, other than by video.  We were driving to an unknown location (to me), to buy a house I'd never seen.  🤣

The journey (road-trip) from airport to village was dismal.  It rained solidly for two hours.  However, five minutes before we reached our village, the clouds magically disappeared, the sun came out, and mother-nature presented me with a stunning view as we drove into the village.

I was hooked.  Loved the village and loved the house (phew).

That was my memorable road-trip.

The rest is history, so to speak.  We've been back and forth from Scotland many times.  Last year I think I made ten visits. Sometimes for a long weekend; mostly a few weeks; once for two months.

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