Forking Mad
August 22nd, 2024

Enjoyment from reading Blogs

What do you like to read?
Books, newsletters, doomscrolling, blogs, paper magazines?

Firstly, I had to google doomscrolling!  I've concluded I don't do that.  I am far too intelligent 🤣

I'd say most of my reading time is taken up with blogs.  I'm genuinely interested in personal blogs, not Corporates or anyone trying to sell me something.

I'm a people person and I want to know all about you.  Random stories on personal blogs are great.  They are also far more interesting compared to social media posts, which I find to be mostly fake.  'lets all present as happy and fun. look at me. look at what I am doing' -- that just makes me bilious.  Life is sometimes crap so don't fool yourself and others.

Blogs seem to be making a bit of a comeback, but I think the only issue is that they are often one sided.  There is little opportunity to interact and comment.  I often want to offer a thought -- praise, an idea, or agree -- but I can't.  It's even more infuriating when the blogger asks: "What do you think?" and there's no option to communicate.

I read books too, but that needs a bit more time.  If I find a book really captivating I just want to keep reading, and can easily squander away hours.

I can't recall the last time I bought a newspaper or a magazine -- years!

I am always checking for new bogs around the interweb. I look forward to you finding and reading your blog.

#39/50 in the FiftyIn50 blogging challenge.