Forking Mad
January 17th, 2024

Friendica test drive

I've been on the Fediverse for over a year now.  I'm quite settled in my main account, however I am always on the lookout for different, new, or interesting services to pique my natural curiosity.

Friendica has been around for some time (July 2010), but it's not huge.  Statistics from currently show 369 servers/instances with 18,360 users.  It's the 16th most popular federated server type out of 48, so not too bad.

Broadly speaking it feels similar to Facebook.  Not that it attempts to emulate it, but there's just something warm, cosy, and familiar.  It's massively configurable if you want it to be, and there are lovely features, like grouping followers, friends, etc -- similar to Circles in Google+ (remember that?!)

So far, I am enjoying it.  As you know though, it's difficult when you first start a new account as the following/follower/interaction is challenging.  However, I'm enjoying trying new things and experimenting.