Forking Mad
July 20th, 2024

Generation gap


What is or was your relationship with people from your parent's generation?
(Daily Blog Challenge #6 in FiftyIn50)

Quite simply, I have friends spanning many age ranges.  I love a mix of people in my life.  Specifically for this blogging prompt we are considering my parent's generation -- people in their late 70s.

We have neighbours, both in their late 70s, who are absolutely gems.  We get on like we are best friends.  We would do anything for each other.  They have a fantastic young outlook too; never judge; are always open to new things. 

I love hearing of their life experiences and they are equally interested in ours.  Their children are my age -- I am a few weeks older than their oldest son. Their children and I have a good rapport too.

All in, we are lucky to have great neighbours, but more importantly good friends.

During the Covid lockdown we started a little online dinner party with our neighbours.  Every two weeks we'd make a meal and leave it on the door step.  We'd then join on Zoom for a virtual dinner party.  It was great fun.  After a few weeks there was ten of us doing it.  We continued for about a year.

A blue basket containing various portions of food.  A lemon desert, some Moussaka, fresh bread and other things
Example of a meal we made to leave on the door step.
