Hobby Auditor
FiftyIn50What hobbies have you had in the past that you no longer have?
What happened?
(This is my FiftyIn50 daily
blogging prompt).
I wonder what the definition of a hobby is? I try everything that vaguely piques my interest. Some stick with me, many are never attempted again -- but at least I tried.
Thinking of long term activities....
Golf. As a teenager I was fanatical. I played every Saturday and Sunday. I enjoyed it. I was middle-of-the road ok at it. A golf-handicap score of 17. After a few years I discovered new things and gave it up. Never revisited it.
I was not interested in any other sport. I did enjoy cross-country running at School, but after leaving the educational noose I stopped. Shame really.
I played the Cornet for a while. Attempted the guitar too.
Reflecting on this makes me realise that I don't have a hobby that has followed me around for a lifetime. That doesn't bother me, as I am dynamic and enjoy trying new things.
I enjoy drinking wine in the garden. That's a hobby, right?

What about you? Tell me about your
hobbies, failed or lifetime.