Forking Mad
June 30th, 2024

Komments have arrived


After talking about Comments on the Scribbles blog, I committed to working up an idea on how we could allow visitors to the blog to comment on our posts.

It's been a few days, I've spent a couple of evenings working on my idea, and I now have something I can show.

Basically Komments is a side-app we can use in Scribbles, or in fact any web page.  Somewhere on the blog page add a link to the unique web address generated when you setup the page in Komments.  Visitors to the page can then click and see comments, and contribute if they wish.

It's early days, and I am still adapting and enhancing.  If you're interested in trying it you can sign up on the home page.

Why not leave me a little comment for this blog post as a trial too. 

This is version 1.0.  I have lots of ideas if this takes off.

Thanks for reading, and maybe commenting to test it. I've even manage to find a way for Scribbles to create a button for the comments, rather than just a link. More on that later.

If you need help, email me on
