Forking Mad
July 11th, 2024

My Brain Juice Evaporated

Earlier today I was in the garden playing ball with the dog.  Between throws I cogitated one of life's great wonders..... Clouds 

Looking up at the sky, a mix of white and grey cotton balls, I watched them hurtling along at speed.  There was not a puff of wind at ground level, yet the rain makers were chugging along, far up in the sky.  ☁️⛅🌨️

Or were they?  I then pondered..... are these clouds currently static in the sky, but there's an illusion of movement since the big blue ball we are all standing on is rotating.

The Earth spins at about 1,670 kilometres per hour....we all know this?!  

I then pondered: 

  • Why am I not being thrown against the side of my house wall, like the fairground ride, as we spin at 27 km per minute?! 
  • Why can't I see or feel the earth moving?  Where's the evidence I am on a spinning orb?
  • If we are spinning one way, and the clouds the same way, could they appear static if we are the same speed?
  • If they are going in the opposite direction, how can we be sure who is moving?
  • Why am I not thrown off a planet rotating faster than my washing machine spin-cycle?

My brain then melted, exploded in a puff of logic, and I returned to entertaining the dog.

My lesson: don't question miracles.  And don't even start on the "when we get to the edge of space, what's behind it?"


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