Forking Mad
December 28th, 2024

My contribution to the world in 2024


I don't like to look back on my year, or life, I'd rather look forward.

However, I had this idea to blog about some of the contributions I feel I have made to the world this year.  So in the coming days I will be adding a few articles focusing on my personal achievements/development.  The ones I feel added something to the world, however trivial.

We're all quick to take from the world, and expect a lot.

I'm going to group them all with the hashtag/label of WIGTW  (What I Gave The world).  The world may not want nor appreciate what I gave, but I'd like to document it anyway; for nothing other than my own aide-mémoire.  It's not a ego stroking set of posts. 

Perhaps you want to join in and write a few sentences or paragraphs on a variety of topics detailing your own contribution.