Forking Mad
August 14th, 2024

My fascination with a country


Blogging prompt: Is there a particular country other than your own that fascinates you? Why? 
Yes, and it may surprise most people.  I am captivated by North Korea; the country, its leader, and the people. 
It amazes me that a country can be so disconnected from the rest of the world, and have an ideology so detracted from the common goal of harmony.  

I have so much sympathy for the average person in North Korea.  Their life appears to have little joy.  They work hard for almost no money; they have very little access to food; people are starving and dying. And yet, they all worship (at least on the exterior) their great leader. 
I can only assume it is brain washing.  They are so indoctrinated with the central message, and they know nothing else.   
Of course, it only me saying they have a sad life.  Do they actually know there is something different beyond their borders?  I am sure they hear stories of their wider world.  However, in some of the documentaries I have seen, they say all this utopia is false and their great leader provides all they need.  Are they truly believing this, or just saying it in total fear? 

They have city centres, airports, shopping arcades, but with no people in them.  No one is allowed to buy cars, mobiles, computers, books, unless you are very high up in the ‘government’.   

Their TV and Radio broadcasts contain hours of propaganda for the country, and against the rest of the world. 

Everyone must have a picture of the leader in their home and must bow to the image daily. 

The people are starving as the country can not grow enough food, yet the leader is spending millions on his war machines, and probably more on his personal food bill. 

It’s terrifying.   

Would I (or you) become the same if we were forced to endure this? 

Sitting here, I think I would rebel.  But would I?  Dissidents are dealt with swiftly.  Removed from society, never seen again.  Their family will often be removed too. 

I know I can’t fix it, but I can at least try to keep up with developments and understand their life.  If for nothing else other than in the hope that somehow the people know we care. 

Or maybe we are getting it wrong, and their life is better?!

#31/50 in the FiftyIn50 blogging challenge.