Forking Mad
August 16th, 2024

My political life!


Blogging Prompt: five issues that have affected your political life?

I don't have a political life.  I take little interest in it.  I keep up-to-date on the major issues, but I certainly don't actively follow, criticise, support, or canvas for anyone.

In general, I think most politicians are cut from very similar cloth.  They are great orators, and given the right audience can ensnare them in their web of story telling.  Of course there are exceptions.  Some politicians are absolutely evil and, as great orators, have caused wars, death, and destruction.

Back to the general political menagerie: if elected they usually don't follow through on most of their commitments.  For the simple reason that one person can not make a change to the train already running at full speed down a certain track.

At some point, a collective group can make slight changes but by that time your chosen political person or party has compromised, rolled back, reinvented, lied, and realised how hard it actually is.

Can you sense my insouciance?

#33/50 in the FiftyIn50 blogging challenge.