Forking Mad
August 13th, 2024

Random changes to Terms & Conditions

A few days ago I received an email from a firm -- we've probably all had them:  "Hi, we're updating our terms and conditions....."

How many of us actually take a moment to read the detail?  I try to but mostly skim over them.  

However, this one caught my attention immediately:

Today, depending on your communication preferences, we may share your phone number and email address with social media platforms, so Sky ads on those platforms can be personalised to you. To improve this personalisation, name and address information will also be shared with these platforms from now on.

This was from Sky, who provide my Satellite TV here in the UK.

WTAF? 😡  In summary, starting today (like immediately) they will share my phone number and email address with social media  AND my name and address information too.

So even if I opt out right this second, they have already potentially shared my personal data.

The steam was erupting from my ears.  I immediately logged into my account and confirmed that all the checkboxes were set to NOT share my data.  According to their email they will respect this.

The fact I already have this set is irrelevant.  The point is this is beyond intrusive.  I have reported my concerns to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) in the UK and await a response.

No Company should have the right to make such a sweeping change with how they process my data without prior consent and due notice.