Forking Mad
August 4th, 2024

Adventures with Hobbies


What kind of adventures have you had pursuing your hobbies?

(Post 21 in the fifty blogs posts in 50 days challenge)

I guess this post is a continuation to the Hobby Auditor post from a few days ago.

⚠️ If you are not keen on reading about alcohol, I suggest you stop reading.

The last hobby post ended with me asking if drinking wine was a hobby.  I have also become a bit of a gin enthusiast over the years. 
Gin went through a massive resurgence in the last ten or so years.  It's perhaps easing a little, but it's still very popular.  Naturally I had to see what all the fuss was about.  Over the years I've tasted and read up on so many brands.  I also took time to study the process of making gin.  Initially it was a natural curiosity I have for everything, but it made me think. 
Several years ago, just for fun, I did a Gin Tasting in our local village to raise funds for charity.   
To summarise: it lasts around two and a half hours (depending on numbers).  I will give you a fun talk about how gin is made, and the history of gin.  We talk about garnishes and tonics too.  I then take you through tasting four gins and give you the opportunity to taste each and chat about it -- in a fun way.  It's not serious, nor am I a professional gin-type-person. 
That gin tasting went well.  There was about 30 people, and they all seemed to enjoy it.  Since then, I have done an array of tasting events.  Especially memorable was the one to 89 people in a yacht club.  Great fun, but hard work managing so many people!  It must have been enjoyable as they asked me back the following year!   I also did a collaboration with a cafe at a Book Festival.  Gin tasting and four courses of food.  Loved that too. 
I've had great adventures with this hobby.  Meeting people and having a laugh -- the best part of life.