Changing career in 2024
WIGTW2024 was a significant year for me. I took the massive step to redefine my career.
It's not easy, and in my view a brave decision. I've been on the planet 54 years and for 32 of those my career of choice has been Technology. I have loved every minute of it, and I continue to enjoy learning in this field. But now I am on the side-lines.
Two years ago an opportunity presented itself and I took the decision to leave the firm I worked for. I could go no higher as I was the Technology Director. I had done everything; seen everything; worked with the best and some total twats. Time to refocus. I wanted to prove I could do something entirely different.
It's a big step when all you have known, and all that has fed you and given a lifestyle, is now up for change. I continued to dabble in tech work in 2023 but in 2024 I cut the cord.
So what do I do now?
I have many passions in life and I wanted to use those. I enjoy interacting with people; I like educating; I love supporting local businesses; I volunteer in the community on a variety of projects.
As the year ends, I am proud to be splitting my time on various tasks.
- I work part-time for a national charity, promoting health and well-being to rural communities, and promoting cancer awareness.
- I also work a few days per week supporting food and drink businesses. Promoting their business; organising events to the public; helping plan for growth, success, and survival.
- At the tail end of 2024 I also completed the necessary training and checks to deliver talks to schools, colleges, and universities -- promoting the food and drink sector and the diverse career choices available within it.
I will never not be a 'techie' -- it runs through my veins.
In a nutshell, I did it. 2024 redefined me. I am doing more community focused work, and that makes me happy.
This blog post is part of a series of posts I am writing about 'What I Gave the World'. We all take, but what do we give back that can make a difference?