Komments now has full documentation
I'm delighted to say that Komments.cloud now has a complete set of documentation on how to add commenting to your blog; including Scribbles (and any...
I'm delighted to say that Komments.cloud now has a complete set of documentation on how to add commenting to your blog; including Scribbles (and any...
What societal problems is your region known for and do they affect you? My blogging prompt to day for FiftyIn50. I'm not sure I can...
What hobbies have you had in the past that you no longer have? What happened? (This is my FiftyIn50 daily blogging prompt). I wonder what...
What is your current relationship with technology? Do you enjoy it? Does it cause you anxiety? This is my daily FiftyIn50 prompt to blog. Simple:...
I pulled together a simple Dashboard in Komments to let me see current usage. It's humbling to know that people are using it to add...
For those following along the Komments journey, I have created a quick video on how to add commenting to Scribbles post. Two and a half...
What's your relationship with physical labour? Do you enjoy, accept or avoid it? Physical Labour .... No thanks. Not for me! I potter. (Definition: to...
A little bit of food porn! Home made flat breads, with BBQ chicken pieces, pickled red and white onion, and a salad. Spicy tomato chilli...
Do you have a gratitude practice? Why or why not? What sort of things are you grateful for? (Day #9 of my FiftyIn50 Blogging challenge)....
What is the funniest book or TV show with which you are familiar? Today's daily FiftyIn50 blogging challenge. I'm an avid reader of crime fiction,...
I am an avid Wordle fan. I was playing before the New York times swooped in and bought it from Josh Wardle for an undisclosed...
Do you have any unpopular opinions or dislike something that many people like? This is my next daily FiftyIn50 blogging challenge topic! Hold on, it's...
What is or was your relationship with people from your parent's generation? (Daily Blog Challenge #6 in FiftyIn50) Quite simply, I have friends spanning many...
Tonight's evening meal included home made flat breads, with sesame and nigella seeds. Delicious
What is the most memorable job you've held? (Blogging Challenge day #5) In my professional career, spanning 34 years, I've only had four distinct jobs...
Blogging Challenge Day #4: What woman in your family do you most admire and why? This one made me think. I also wanted to keep...
I don't begin to know much about cars, nor do I really care. They get me from A to B, and keep my hair dry. ...
Blogging Challenge day #3: Why do you like your favourite restaurant? Favourites come and go, like so many fickle things in life. It's only your...
Let's get straight to the point.... I have 27,267 digital photos going back to 2008. 99% of them are not in an album or category. ...
Day #2 of my self-imposed blogging challenge, FiftyIn50. Today's topic: On what subjects are you outspoken and on what subjects are you mostly mute? As...
Day 1 of the FiftyIn50 blogging challenge: A road trip you've taken that was memorableFor years my partner and I have talked about buying a...
Yesterday, while visiting friends, we went for a walk along the sea-front of a charming near-by village. A tiny fishing village, once with many boats...
After reading the post by Lou Plummer about ideas for blogging, I thought it might be fun to use the fifty prompts as a daily...
A small update to Komments tonight. If you have access to the HTML of your blog post/page, you can directly embed the Comments page using...
Let me do some scene setting. I don't visit my mother very often. Depending on where I am, we're either in the same country 2...